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Two 15-Week Semesters
45 minute classes
Parent or Guardian attends every other week
Tuition & Fees
Registration Fee
(8 payments of $70)
Purchased online while enrolling
Full Set $91

Sibling Set $25

chord structure
ear training & sight singing
Staff Reading
Preparation for Keyboard
3 Year Overview
FIRST YEAR: We use engaging games and songs and incorporate tone bells to teach staff awareness, rhythm reading skills, basic chord theory & melodic patterning
SECOND YEAR: We transfer 1st Year skills to the piano, where we also learn chord notation, intervals, and harmonic improvisation.
THIRD YEAR: Students are playing piano at level 1-2, transposing music, composing their own music, sight-reading music, and are prepared for further private piano instruction

Tuition $70
Tuition $75
Tuition $80

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